5 Best Ayurvedic Herbs for Depression

Depression is described as a major health epidemic in the whole. In the west, depression affects 10-15% of the population, and about 6.5% of the Indian population, according to WHO reports. Characterized by persistent sadness, frustrations, anger, and other melancholy that lasts for weeks and weeks, more and more people are becoming victims of depressions. Can traditional or holistic treatment help with depression?
While most people rely on western medicine to get rid of depressions, researchers have found that traditional methods also work better. With no or few known side effects, ancient treatments like Ayurveda are helpful. We use these herbs regularly. The herbs can help with depression in many ways. Here are five herbs and spices are best for reducing depression symptoms.
Peppermint (Purina)
Peppermint is one of the most used ingredients in the kitchen. It has Menthol that can calm your frazzled nerves. The cooling effects of these herbs make it one of the best herbs for fighting depressions. For centuries, many people have used it to cure mental disorders. It is also loaded with vitamins A and C, has manganese, magnesium, folate, calcium, and copper, among other beneficial minerals. The presence of Menthol helps cure insomnia, calming your mind in the process.
Aside from its beauty and overall health benefits, many people believe that Ashwagandha can help to relieve stress and anxiety. It has active compounds such as saponins, withanolides, alkaloids, and lactones that provide anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory, and antidepressant properties. The properties help in relieving stress and anxiety caused by both physical and emotional fatigue. The herbs also help in balancing your mood swings and increases mental concentration and alertness. You can consume it in powdered or liquid form. You can also use it as they are from the garden.

Spikenard (Atamans)
Spikenard is a traditional herb for curing sleeping disorders, including insomnia. It can help erase all your negative thoughts by channeling your mental energies in the right direction. It has anti-depressant, anti-fatigue, and anti-stress properties, which can be used for medical purposes. In Ayurveda, it is among the best herbs for combating depressions. It is also used to treat hysteria, epilepsy, and convulsions.
Peruvian Ginseng (Maca)
Peruvian Ginseng also is known as Maca, is packed with nutrients. The plant belongs to a radish family, which helps with neurotransmitter and hormone productions. The herbs in rich in amino acids, phytonutrients, vitamins, adaptogens, and other various minerals. The nutrients can help decrease excessive anxiety and increase your stamina. Besides, the herbs act as a natural energizer and can help you to overcome lethargy.
Brahmi has been known to treat many ailments for centuries. The herb continues to do so even in the modern world where people rely on modern healing methods. Brahmi also acts as a brain booster. The small succulent herb is a therapeutic herb used as an aphrodisiac, memory enhancer, and health tonic. 
Brahmi is excellent for improving your brain functions and strengthening your thoughts. It enhances the three aspects of memory, which include long term memory, short term memory, and capacity. Brahmi has a cooling property that keeps the mind calm and free of anxiety. It also promotes sound sleep." According to Ayurvedic Expert Dr. Sharma.
When depressed, it is not easy to find help. Most people prefer being by themselves rather than talk to someone else, which to them feels like, embarrassing themselves. Thankfully, Ayurveda offers some hope for everyone. Natural herbs are safe and effective. They are also affordable and can be found almost everywhere. However, if you are using conventional medicine, it’s imperative to talk to your doctor before making the switch. 


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