8 Beneficial Tips for Yoga for Men in Rishikesh

In recent yoga history, people have witnessed a gender shift. Traditionally it was practiced more by men than women. Nowadays, the practice is dominated by women. However, in Rishikesh, things have not changed at all. Many men from different destinations visit this place to enjoy yoga for men classes. Yoga for men in Rishikesh is an opportunity for even men to start yoga, enjoy yoga classes, and learn more about yoga. It is also an opportunity to meet new people and get physical, mentally, and emotionally stable.

What is yoga for men?

Colloquially, yoga is a union of different practices like pranayama, meditation, and postures. Yoga for men in Rishikesh involves yoga asana, breathing exercises, and meditation. Men are trying now more than ever to include yoga in their daily life. Someone once said, “Yoga isn't a decent workout; it's too touchy-feely; you have to be flexible to do it; men's bodies just aren't built for pretzel-like poses.” But the fact is yoga is a practice made by men for men. From physique to mental health, here are some best yoga tips for men who want to try yoga.

You need to get ready


Before diving into yoga for men, you need to get ready by reading up different types of yoga, practices, and yoga poses. Visit a yoga studio near you, ask if you can watch a few classes and even try some of them. You will find that yoga is better and that you can quickly learn some basics in advance.

You don’t need to be flexible to try
Flexibility in yoga for men in Rishikesh is not a prerequisite. If you can’t touch your toes or not flexible enough to bend down, there is no need to worry. You can develop flexibility. It is not a requirement to join a yoga class.

Learn some few poses

Learning a few yoga basics can go a long way. It means you get more prepared for your first yoga for men classes. The rest of your teacher will take care as he takes over the actual practice in Rishikesh.

Get the right gear

Guys love gear. Yoga gear for a guy doesn’t require much. Get the right mat, blocks, blankets, and other yoga gear you need. But, you don’t have to bring them from home. Yoga schools provide some of these gears, and you can easily buy others at affordable prices in Rishikesh.

Get the right fitting clothes?

Yoga wear for men is not as straightforward as that of women. Men clothes don’t have to be too baggy or be too tight.Well-fitted cotton t-shirts, vests, singlet, and tank tops can do for men. For shorts, workout shorts or swim shorts are accepted. When choosing yoga wear for your yoga for men classes in Rishikesh, the aim is to strike a balance between fit and comfort. Ideally, get sweat-wicking materials.

It takes more than one class to see results
You already know that hard work is needed to get the desired results. The same goes for yoga for men in Rishikesh. There are no instantaneous results. Even though you will feel better after some yoga classes, for a lasting result, you need several classes. Enjoy the stretches, breath more through your nose, releases muscle tension, reduce inflammation, get physically fit, and enjoy other benefits. But it takes hard work to achieve this.

Stay consistent always

Even if you start to notice results, to maintain these results, you need to be consistent both with the effort you put and frequency. Regular practice and high effort in all the classes will allow you to maintain the results and get even better results.

Don’t compare yourself with others

Comparison is not allowed in yoga for men classes. We are not equal. Some people will be able to stretch far and quickly that you, others have other advantages. Don’t compare yourself with them. Be yourself, and enjoy your yoga journey bit by bit.
Besides calming your mind, yoga for men in Rishikesh provides you with a foundation for a healthy and happy life. Even though sometimes it can be intimidating, finding the right classes will ensure you enjoy the practice, improve your flexibility, athletic ability, and mental clarity.


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